Virtual WIC Economic Outlook Presentation: Wednesday, April 21 at 2:00 p.m. ET

WMIA and WMMA are pleased to announce the return of Thomas Landstreet to present an Economic Outlook session virtually on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 2:00pm EST. Attendees of the 2018 Woodworking Industry Conference in Hawaii will remember his entertaining and insightful session. Registration is open to all members of WMIA and WMMA.

As he discusses government policies and their effect on the economy and markets, Tom observes that neither party has a monopoly on bad ideas. (He’s an equal opportunity critic!) With fascinating charts and graphs, Tom will entertain and educate participants as he did a few years ago.

Tom Landstreet is a vast resource of information on the economy, economic policy and financial markets. He is a knowledgeable communicator (published in WSJ, Forbes, CityWire) and is eminently quotable. He appears on The Daily Ledger, a weekly cable news show and is a sought-after public speaker.

Tom gives unique analysis on almost any topic and is fond of making bold predictions (which often turn out to be accurate). As a macro-oriented analyst and investor, he not only has to understand economic trends, he has to make money on them as manager of the N3L Fund, a global macro oriented hedge fund.

Tom has had a long career on Wall Street, serving in a variety of rolls. But it was his experience working for celebrated economist, father of “supply side” economics and Reagan economic advisor, Dr. Arthur Laffer that shaped his world view. Tom makes complex economic topics understandable.

If you haven’t seen Tom present before, check out this video!

Advance registration is REQUIRED for this session

Open to all members of WMIA and WMMA.

Watch the Presentation

Questions? Please email [email protected].

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