President and CEO’s Message: July/August 2019

We’re looking for a few good people.


WMIA’s committees are hard at work
overseeing Association programs and
developing new member benefits. But
to achieve greater success, we need you.
We need more volunteers to move our
programs forward.If you’ve thought about 
joining a committee but you didn’t know where
there was the greatest need, if you were
involved years ago but are interested in
getting involved again, or if there are
members of your team that could be
valuable committee members,I encourage
you to let me know. 

Our committees include the Education Committee, chaired by Chris Hofmann of Colonial Saw. The Education Committee helps refine eligibility criteria and reviews all applications for Educational Foundation scholarships. They are beginning to work on open house programs around the country to help high school students understand the job opportunities that exist within the industry. The Committee also partners with the Wood Technology Industry Institute (WTII) to oversee the Wood Industry Boot Camp and the training for service technicians.

The Marketing Committee, chaired by Joe Berry of Bacci America, reviews the Wooden Globe Award nominations, develops strategies to help the Association better promote the industry and the value of investing in new equipment and technology, and creates opportunities for members to interact during the IWF and AWFS shows. Rick Braun of Machine Solutions chairs the Member Services Committee, which works to increase member value and enhance the membership experience.

WMIA partners with WMMA on its Joint Technology Committee, which is co-chaired by Jason Dingess of Quis Machinery and Jeff Onsrud of C.R. Onsrud. This committee is responsible for developing the technology presentation at the Woodworking Industry Conference (WIC) each year, and they also work to help members better harness technology for the benefit of their businesses. The Committee is about to begin a free webinar series for members of both associations.

The National Affairs Task Force, chaired by Jim Scarlett, works to chart a legislative agenda for the Association and ensures the industry’s interests are well-represented before lawmakers. Members of the Task Force have participated in recent legislative fly-ins in Washington, DC along with members of WMMA and AWFS.

Over the last several years, we’ve been committed to ensuring that participating in a committee isn’t overly time-consuming or labor-intensive. We know how busy you are; we want your ideas and enthusiasm but don’t expect you to take on major tasks.

Working together, we can continue strengthening WMIA. So take the first step and get involved.

Thanks in advance!!

 Larry Hoffer

WMIA President and CEO


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